Rule 1: Build your website or blog keeping the target audience in mind.
It is important to keep the website simple and easy to use for the users. Your website content should be so good, that it should compel the user to visit it again. Create a good first impression.
Rule 2: Provide a sitemap.
Providing a sitemap helps the user to find what he or she really wants.If you have a blog (registered with blogger), you can submit your atom feed to Google.
Rule 3: Every page of your website should have an accurate and a precise title tag.
Giving your website page a title tag makes it more appealing to users. Even Google considers this very important. The title tag should reflect the content present on the page.Please do not use inaccurate or unnecessary keywords in your title.
Rule 4: Use a meta tag.
The meta tag is extremely important, as it gives a brief description your website. It is important to use unique description for every page of your website.
Rule 5: Build your page URL with some thought
It really helps if you have descriptive categories and filenames for the documents on your website well organized. In addition it helps search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to crawl pages easily. This is important as a URL is also shown in the search results by a search engine.
Rule 6: Use the anchor tag.
The HTML anchor tags to navigate through a website easily. Popular websites like Wikipedia use the anchor tag wisely. It helps easier navigation of your site.
Rule 7: Follow good HTML standards.
Every HTML tag of your page should be closed properly. Follow the general standards and good practices. This will help you tremendously in the long run as your website or blog grows. This link is extremely useful.
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