
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How to upgrade your website or blog from http to https for free

Cloudfare SSL

Cloudfare offers a free SSL certificate  that enables a website publisher to host content using the https protocol on a website.

It also allows a blogger blog which has a custom domain to upgrade to https.

What are the advantages of https?

  1. Websites are more secure
  2. Google assigns a higher ranking to https websites
  3. Websites are faster

How to install  Cloudfare certificates?
In order to install the Cloudfare SSL certificate so that all content is served via https, a website owner needs to change the DNS nameservers to that provided by Cloudfare as below:

Cloudfare NameServers

The best thing is that existing MX, A, TXT records are backed up and nothing gets deleted.

You then need to enable SSL in the Crypto tab in Cloudflare console:

Enable SSL in Cloudflare

As soon as you enable this option, the website will be served via HTTPS protocol.  Users will see a lock option in the address bar as below:

You can easily force all mixed content to be served via https using the below setting:

force https setting

The advantage is that if a website owner has uploaded an image which was served by http and is now available on https, Cloudflare detects this and automatically serves such content via https.

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